Wednesday 6 November 2013

The 50th Day of School is coming!

Both Grade 3 classess will be joining together o celebrate the 50th day of school on TUESDAY, November 19th all day long!

We hope to have all the kids dress up like the guys and gals did back in the fifties!  Poodle skirts, bobby socks, ponytails with scarves tied around, saddle shoes or little canvas runners might be some of the ideas for the girls.  Greased back hair, a white t-shirt, a cool leather jacket (!!) and jeans with the cuffs rolled up might work for the boys.

We’ll spend the morning doing a “whole lot-ta rockin’” with the number 50!  There will be great math activities for all the kids to enjoy!

By the afternoon, we’ll be ready for the bubblegum blowing contest, seeing how many times we can hula hoop, bowling and then dancing and jiving to our favourite records at our own sock hop, complete with a root beer float!

Want to help?  We’ll need a few supplies and some great music!  Want to come and show us your dance moves? You could lead the little ones in the hand jive or ‘the stroll’ Get out that poodle skirt and break out the brylcream!

Can’t wait to ‘rock the day away”!

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