Sunday 5 May 2013

An update...

I am not sure what's up with my camera, but it has been doing some wacky things lately, like erasing photos that I know I took!  Here's the web shot of the much too difficult for one teacher and 21 students diorama that I thank you for working on with your own child.  It looked easier than it really was!  If you would like to try again, here's where I found it:

What I really want to do is let you know about all the important dates coming up in the next few weeks.

May 14  a.m.  Grade 3 PAT Part A for Language Arts:  Writing
May 14 p.m.  Open House at Madonna Catholic School for all parents to tour

May 22 a.m. In School Field Trip for Building Bridges; We'll need at least four volunteers
May 22 a.m.  Jr. High Business Fair

May 23 p.m.  I will be at a planning meeting at Madonna in the afternoon.  
(I might even know that I am teaching there for sure by then!)

May 31 p.m. St. Theresa Family Barbecue (more info to come)

June 11 Grade 3 PAT Math

June 13 Grade 3 PAT Part B for Language Arts: Reading

June 19 a.m. All Kindergarten to Grade 3 students spending morning at Madonna Catholic School
June 19 p.m.  Mass will be held at St. Theresa School

June 21 Schools in Sherwood Park proper will be closed to facilitate the moving of materials between buildings (Anyone have a trailer I could use that day??)

June 27 All day field trip to Fort Saskatchewan Museum for Gr. 1, 2, 3 students
(Many volunteers will be needed!! Please plan ahead)

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