Sunday, 10 March 2013

The Mitten - A Ukrainian Folktale

One of the important aspects of studying another country, is to recognize that the culture of that country is both similar and different to the culture we enjoy here in Canada.  This is done through hearing the music, seeing the dance, tasting the food and hearing the stories of the people who live there.
 In Ukraine, there are many traditional folktales, one of which we know here, The Mitten.
The students heard a variety of versions of the folktale and discussed why so many versions exist.  They then took the traditional version and retold it themselves, practising the new skill of adding conversation properly, to a piece of writing.  You might wonder why when they are self editing their work, they are asked to use their highlighters to underline words.  In this piece of writing, they were asked to underline verbs in blue, adjectives in red, punctuation in green and possible spelling errors in yellow.  By doing this, the students are practising their focus, recognizing their understanding of the various aspects of the writing process and then, through colour, can recognize more clearly, where they might need to revise their work.
This is a piece of writing that you will be viewing during the Student Led conferences later this month, so the students worked to create a final 'good' or 'clean' copy, which will be shaped like a mitten!
They created a title page...
..and wrote "About the Author"
(We used photos from the beginning of the year and some of the children were exclaiming "Look how young we looked!", truly letting me know that they too believe that they are growing up!)
Finally, each student used yarn to individualize their book covers, choosing to create a design,
any way that they wanted.
They are all very different,
and creative!

You should look at your calendar today and block off the evening that you will come to celebrate your child's learning with them on Tuesday, March 19 or Wednesday, March 20.  This time is really their opportunity to shine and they need your undivided attention.  I realize that so many of us are busy, with sports, meetings, commitments and of course, more than one child, but really, nothing should come before your child's positive experience of being able to show off and demonstrate just how hard they have been working on their job of learning.

The Evidence of Learning Binders will be going home with the children on Monday.  Please feel free to take sheets out of the plastic sleeves and go over them with your child.  Return them into the sleeves and bring the entire binder back with you when you and your child come for Student Led Conferences next week or send them back earlier if you would like.  There is a sheet at the back of Term Two for you to fill out that will set the tone for our conferences.  There will be 4 students booked into each ONE HOUR slot.  All the students come with their parents and stay for the length of time it takes to get a chance for the child to demonstrate some new learning, take a shiny leading role and sit with the teacher to discuss learning to date. The goals that you and your child have set, either behavioural or academic, for the final term will be discussed.  Sitting with me, is just like a regualr interview and will take about 15 minutes per family. For some families this process will take the entire hour, and for others it may take a little less time.  Please remember that four families will be in the classroom at the same time.

A yellow sheet in the front pocket of the Evidence of Learning binder gives details on how to book your time electronically.  This is the way that times are set at this school.  It will be a first come-first served booking situation.

We are entering the fourth week of Lent.  May the joy of knowing that the story of Easter is near bring you happiness.

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