Saturday, 9 February 2013

Look What's Coming Up!!

There is no doubt that February is a month that moves fast and furious!
After I spent two days at our fabulous North Central Alberta Teacher's Convention, I am ready to engage the students in a busy, busy week of learning with special times added.  On Tuesday we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday, with a pancake lunch.  Ask your child why we celebrate with pancakes!  There is a religious significance to the practice.  The next day, Ash Wednesday, we will gather as a school community to celebrate the first day of the Lenten season.  Lent is a special time when you can share the concepts of prayer and sharing with your children.  The students will be keeping their own Lenten promises to Jesus for the forty days.  They are always so amazed when our "Alleluia" banner and the cross are taken down as visible reminders of what our lives would be like without Jesus.
On Thursday, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day as a class.  Starting at around 11:30 and for about an hour, the students will be treated to a 'dance' in the gym with the Grade 1 and 2 classes.  We will return for a 'sweet treat' lunch.  Could you please help?  Here are the ideas I have to keep this lunch both nutritious and fun filled.  Please let me know, by writing a note in your child's agenda,  if you are willing to send in anything on the list:

1.  Strawberry or raspberry jam sandwiches, cut into heart shapes with a cookie cutter.
2.  Rice krispie treats either shaped as hearts, or with heart sprinkles on top.
3.  Tray of cherry finger jello, cut into heart shapes with a cookie cutter.
4.  Individual glasses with ranch dressing on the bottom, filled with carrot and celery sticks.
5.  Fruit kabobs (could have strawberry, apple, pineapple, grapes and melon).
6.  Individual pink lemonade or apple juice boxes.

The following Monday, February 18, is Family Day in Alberta and the students will be home enjoying the activities you have planned, as a family.  But the next day.....they will be celebrating the 
One Hundredth Day of School!! The day will be filled with learning, all relating to that grand number.

One of the activities that I have planned is to create a 100 day snack (good opportunity to practise recipe writing!).  Each student will be making a bag full to snack  on during the day.  I must be careful because of the allergies in the room.  Could I please ask for more volunteers to send in the following:

1.  One bag of milk chocolate baking chips              
2.  One large bag of mini marshmallows
3.  One large box of goldfish crackers                      
4.  One large bag of raisins
5.  One large bag of pretzels                                    
6.  One box of "Fruit Loops" cereal
7.  One large bag of popcorn twists                          
8.  One large box of honeycomb cereal
9.  One bag of popcorn, popped                             
10. One large box of mini M and M's

Thought I would share how we sometimes have to 'get up and go' in order to shake that brain back into working order.  I have a variety of 'dance breaks' saved onto the computer, and when the students just stop really participating, I know it is time to get them up and moving!  Looks like they're having fun!
This is one of their favourites...Ice Cream and Cakie Cake! complete with instructions, before they try it on their own.  They get that old classroom floor bouncing!

1 comment:

  1. So nice that you can have an Alleluia banner! Hope your Shrove Tuesday goes well - we're on half term break right now so we miss all these fun times this week!! I did Valentine's day early :)

    Fun in the Fours
