Wednesday 30 January 2013

Let's Go Oil Kings...Hockey Hooky Day!

Another field trip this week!  Who knew that a teacher could legitimately take students out of school for a day of fun at Rexall Place?  Our class, along with a few others from the school, did just that!  We went to watch the Oil Kings win!
Here we all are, ready for the game to begin...
...bouncing up and down with excitement!
The students had hot dogs and pop for lunch.  A few got other treats and there were a few souvenirs as well.  How else do you say that the Oil Kings are #1?  For some this was their first hockey game ever!
Some knew all about goals, and slapshots and penalties!
No matter if it was their first or fiftieth time, when there was one of these....
there was one of these!  They certainly knew how to cheer!
After one high sticking incident that led to a penalty, one darling poked me and stated"  He just did what you told us never to do!"  Hooray!  A connection was made!
A few participated in the puck toss, but sadly, the winner was Z5533, 
and all our pucks started with E....
...but one lucky guy managed to snatch this up in the shirt toss!
Thanks to the four parents who braved the cold and the bus ride to be with us, getting us food, helping buy the souvenirs, taking us to the bathroom and keeping us safe!  Thanks to our school leaders for letting us play 'hooky' today!

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