Tuesday 4 December 2012

December brings.....

This past Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent, the season of waiting for the coming of Our Saviour.
To give a visual, our friends in Grade Seven helped each student make an Advent bracelet, with 3 purple and 1 pink bead to represent the 4 Sundays of Advent (which are the colours of the candles on the Advent wreath) and then 20 beads of a colour of their choice for the other days before Christmas.
We only get to see these great friends once a month for about 1/2 hour, so time spent with them is very special!  We are grateful for their time with us!
In our current science unit, the students are recognizing what it would be like to be geologists, the scientists who study the earth including rocks and minerals.  Using mineral samples, they are learning
how to use magnifying glasses to observe more closely,
magnets to test for positive or negative reactions in the minerals,
and a light source, to find out if the mineral is transparent, translucent or opaque.
Which word would you use for this mineral?

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