Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Halloween Book Reports (and pumpkin characters)!!

How much fun we had today during our book report sharing!  This is an idea that I found on another teacher's blog site, so a huge thank you to Hope King for the inspiration.  All the students were excited to share and really were well prepared!  They had made great connections with the story that they had read and recognized the different elements that a story contains.  The students noticed that some of the books were by the same author!  Here is a cute book called "Vunce Upon a Time" by Jolto Seibold and Siobhan Vivian.  Too cute!
The pumpkin characters sat at the front of the room as the students shared their presentation elements.  We had invited the principal into the class so almost all of the children were able to present while he was in the room.  He gave a certificate to each for their hard work.
The book characters are lined up about their coat hooks in the hallway, along with the actual book and the story bag that is full of the story elements.  The bag was to be decorated with the student's version of the front cover of the book.  They make quiqte a parade!  Do you recognize any of the  characters?
All of the students could create their characters in any way they wanted.  Some used paint, others used duct tape, some added parts from other costumes.  What imagination!
The pumpkins seem to have taken on the personality of the characters they represent.  Here's one of the naughty pigs from Robert Munsch's book and that little mischievous girl is Junie B. Jones.
Some of the pumpkins were the foam kind from the craft store and some were actual garden grown pumpkins.....it didn't matter what kind they were, they all turned into wonderful book characters.
Thank you to all the parents who were willing to embrace this project and help their children recognize the 'fun' of reading a good book!

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