Tuesday, 4 September 2012

First Day of Grade Three

Hooray! Our first day of Grade Three was a success if the smiles can serve as evidence!
We spent time learning new routines, exploring our classroom, meeting our classmates and sorting our materials.  We heard stories, created a graph, and used clipboards.  It was a good day.
There were TONS of sheets for parents to fill out in the 'Bring Right Back" pocket of our Bee Binders.  The students were tickled pink to learn that they didn't have any homework, but their parents did!
Here's a list of requests:
1.  If your child's "Evidence of Learning" binder is still at home, please send to school asap.
2.  If your child has a 'kanga pouch', this also needs to come to school.
3.  There will be three iPads for the students to use in the classroom (my own personal), especially during 'Listen to Reading', so each student needs their own set of earbuds that will stay at school for the year.
4.  Because I came into this position quite late in the school year, I did not have any input into the school supply list.  To make it easy for you, I did the shopping and purchased, at the best price possible, some items that your child needs including the blue binder, a set of highlighters and a stash box.  Could you please send $3.00 to cover the costs?
5.  Could you please send a note (possibly written in the agenda) to tell me if your child is Catholic, has been baptized, received reconciliation and Communion?  I will need to know before our first mass in October.  
6.  If your child has a special event that is open to my attendance, such as a hockey game, a dance recital or is receiving a sacrament, and you send a note (preferably in the agenda) with about 2 weeks notice, I promise to do my best to be there.


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