Love You

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Field trip

Fort Saskatchewan Museum
End of the Year Field Trip for Grades 1 – 4
Friday, June 21, 2012

Dear parents,

     Tomorrow is the long awaited field trip.  Our class has three mothers volunteering.  They will car pool and follow the bus as there will not be enough room on the bus for everyone.  We will leave as soon as all 58 students arrive at school, hopefully well before 9:00 a.m.

     The museum is interactive.  There are a minimum of 9 stations where the students can participate in some activity relating to life long ago. The parent volunteers will be leading their groups to these stations and assisting the students. It will be interesting to watch the students learn in a fun manner!  The program runs no matter the weather and the majority of the time, the students will be outside, so please ensure they are dressed for the weather, have sunscreen/repellent applied beforehand and come prepared with a small water bottle and a hat.  Please send your child in sturdy shoes with socks and not ‘flip flops’ to avoid injuries. They will be responsible for their own items.  We thought it would be a fun adventure if they had a ‘basket’ lunch, complete with a small tea towel to lay their food out on, as we will be eating picnic style near the ‘jail’.  As part of our admission fees, there will be some homemade ice cream.  Please know that it is the experience of turning the handle and watching the ingredients become ice cream that is important.  With 58 students, there will only be a small taste for each.  As well, the famous grazing sheep of Fort Saskatchewan will be released in a pen near our area so that the students will be able to see them too.

     We hope to arrive back at the school near 1:30 but the time is not set exactly.  The students will be participating in a number of activities that the teachers have organized and will be dismissed at the regular time.

     We should have a great time!


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