Wednesday 25 April 2012

Important Information

We found out yesterday that all of our plans for Track meet need to revamped because our actual date is now WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd, 2012. We appreciate all the forms that have already been filled out and returned, but for legal reasons, if the date is incorrect the note is void.  For those who are coming to our Open House here at the school tonight, Wednesday, April 25, 2012, please drop by and change the date on the form and initial.  Those who have not ordered lunch for your child yet, tomorrow is the LAST day to do so because of the need to let the Knights of Columbus know how much food to order and prepare.  Thanks for getting all of the forms back to us.  Because of the change of date, please confirm that you are able to still come and volunteer for the day.  The Track Meet cannot run without our dedicated parent volunteers.  We thank you for your continued support and involvement!

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