Monday, 27 February 2012

Being a Catholic Teacher in a Catholic School during the Season of Lent...Priceless!

Who is this man wearing a JV Student Council t-shirt?
Why is this lady leading all this singing?
What an amazing start to our week, as Father Dan came to be with our Jean Vanier Catholic School family this morning during our assembly to read to us the Gospel message, then share its meaning with us all.
How blessed we are to be able to openly pray with faith and with our school family.
Given the strain that our school has faced this year, it was decided that we needed to remind ourselves that God is ALWAYS with us.  Father Dan came and blessed our school, generously allowing a student from each classroom to bless the room, recognizing that God is Our Ever Present Teacher.
We didn't have 'pancake day' last week, we celebrated SHROVE Tuesday, because we know that it is the day we 'shrive' or 'confess' before the Holy season of Lent.
We know that Jesus gave His life as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, so we proudly wore our ashes to demonstrate our willingness to sacrifice in Jesus' name.
Lent lasts for 40 days (we don't count Sundays).  Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying.  We pray and fast and give alms during Lent as our own way to share in Jesus' experience.  In our classroom, we are creating a "Jesus tree" through reading a specific verse or verses from the Bible daily.  We are all trying to remember to choose not to eat meat on Friday.
Each child is trying to bring a coin daily to offer as alms.  It could be a penny, a nickel, a dime or whatever the family chooses.  At the end of the Lenten season, we will choose a charity to put the money towards.  We remember Jesus' words...'whatsoever you do for the least of My brothers, that you did unto Me.'

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