Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Snowflake Fun

How is it that we know that in God's creative wonder that no two snowflakes are alike?  Using this book we met the young farm boy who showed us that God's power is infinite! 
His parents believed in his wonderings enough to raise money to buy him a special and very expensive camera which he used to show the world that God's power is infinite.  His life was dedicated to taking photographs of individual snowflakes.  Just as there are no two humans exactly the same, he proved that God has made each and every snowflake an individual.  His photos are not copyrighted and are now public domain, so they are easily accesible.
We know that we couldn't make snow, but we tried to see what a snowflake was like, and what it was made of.  As we explore liquids, one of the big ideas that we want to understand is tht we can make a solution.
Using a crystal based laundry booster we dissolved the powder in boiling water.

We used pipecleaners twisted together in a star shape, and suspended the object in the cup with string wrapped around the pencil.

When we returned to school, we were excited to see that the crystals of the solution had attached themselves to the pipecleaner.  We noted that the new 'snowflake' was much heavier than the pipecleaner alone.  We took a really close look through magnifying glasses and could see the crystals.

We also noticed that the crystals in some cases, attached themselves above the pipecleaner and created a different design.

We are practising our skills as 'new scientists', and we took the time to make and record observations.

As silent as the snow when it falls, that was how silent the young scientists were as they looked in wonder at their creations.  There was new appreciation for the gift of snow that God provides.

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