Thursday 8 December 2011

Christmas Presents

I find this a difficult subject to broach, but I appreciate this opportunity to share.  
I would like you all to know that I love to teach, love to see those eyes light up when the child knows something new and love when the confidence continues to grow.  If you are interested in keeping with the spirit of sharing during the Christmas season, please consider a gift that would be of benefit to our classroom and continued learning.  I am continually finding new books that would benefit the children, purchasing craft and paper supplies and now with the IPods and IPad, downloading stories and hopefully other apps that could be used in the classroom.  I hope that no one is offended if I share that I, myself, would prefer not to receive any personal gifts.  I would offer instead the opportunity to extend your generosity to our classroom family, or a charity that supports children in need. Thank you!

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