Monday 12 December 2011

Christmas Concert Costumes

Christmas Concert Costume Update

News flash!!  The students in Mrs. Mathesons Grade Two/Three combined classroom have been upgraded to angels in the 2011
Christmas concert production!
(That sounds a lot better than there was a tiny mistake made!)

The students are to be dressed as angels.  The costumes are being sewn as you get this notice.  But there is a way that YOU can help!

Please come on the afternoon of Thursday, Dec. 15
@ 12:30 to Jean Vanier School and participate in the angel wing making marathon.  The 21 sets of wings will be made of white Bristol board with silver garland trim and elastic arm supports.

We are in need of the following donations:
a)       Silver garland - the kind that goes on Christmas trees) that will go around the wings and also create the halos for each child
b)        Skeins of sewing elastic that will be attached to the wings and then be used to comfortably support the wings onto the children

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