Sunday 16 October 2011

School Pride

We are embarking on providing a school wide Character Education program. There are six pillars that are the focus of the program.  From the beginning of the school year until Thanksgiving, we have been focussing on Citizenship.  The mayor, Mrs. Osinchuk, came to our school to speak about how we need to be good citizens to ensure a community we all want to live in.  On Friday, the students showed our neighbourhood that we could be active citizens and they all participated in a Student Council led project, cleaning up the school yard and the areas near the school.  To identify our pride in being part of this school community, each student in Grade 1 through 6 were given a t-shirt to wear for our spirit days.  You may have noticed this cost was part of your school fees.  The students were SOOO excited to get these and wear them!  Our next pillar is Caring and we will be having a guest speaker at tomorrow's assembly to kick off this aspect of character development.

Didn't our lovely model do a great job of showing her pride?

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