Wednesday 21 September 2011

Snack time is healthy time!

A few years ago, our school district joined an Alberta Government initiative to help students make healthier choices during the school day.  We participate in daily physical activities, have a 'backwards' lunch hour which means the students play for 20 minutes before they eat their lunch and for their morning recess, the students play and then come inside to eat their snack.  

Having food that is not processed has been encouraged and is supported in research to provide more energy and 'brain power' during their learning time.  Because processed foods have more sugar and salt, the body works harder to process these sugars.  Natural sugars in fresh fruits are actually more likely to boost the energy level of the children.

They smile more when they are eating healthy!

Please consider sending fresh fruits or vegetables, yogurt, cheese or rice cakes or crackers as a mid-morning snack for your little ones!  Thanks!

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