Sunday 11 September 2011

All About Me!

 What a lot of learning to fit into one little day!  We focused on learning more about ourselves.  We lined up in alphabetical order by first names and found out in our little class we have 3 students with names that begin with "C", 4 that begin with "E" and 5 that begin with "J"!  That made for a great challenge.
We created necklaces that told a story about each unique and individual child in the room.  We chose our favourite colour star, added our initials, used 2 dark blue or 2 pink beads to indicate if we were a girl or boy, and followed other criteria to complete the necklace.  We planned, drew and coloured a model and then made a special one of a kind necklace that was our very own!
Each child was so very proud!
Remember that next Tuesday we have our first PAC meeting @ 7:00 in the library and would love to see the place packed with parents.  Then on Wednesday we will serve your family hotdogs if you would just come by the school and "Meet the Staff" between 4:30 and 6:00!

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