Thursday, 26 November 2020

The 50th day of school!

Okay, I admit it...this one day of the school year, I was quite lax on
the protocols surrounding 2 metres apart, mask wearing and such,
but with fingers crossed, I just wanted us to have a little fun!
It's been a tough 49 days until now and kids just need something
to remember like:
being such 'cool' cats, that they all needed to slick back their
hair for this photo,
and just looking their very best in their twirly skirts, and pony tails
(and even lipstick!)
Sometimes the best learning happens, when you don't even know 
you are learning!  That's why teachers add this element of 'fun'
into the long school year.  They are going to remember this
day more than most others!
Who could forget the day the teacher made
root beer floats for each child?
Little did they know that there was a science
lesson, some math and writing involved with
those delicious slurps!
It was good to the last drop!
I never even got to hand out the spoons!
Look at the famous 'twist'
and we all learned how to 'hand jive' too!
Each student got to invite a friend to go for a ride in a pink Cadillac!

Bubblegum in school?
Yep...if it means we learn how to follow the
steps to make it work!
We also learned that it is true that
'practice makes perfect'!
Here's the proof to all we learned!
The students wrote out the three steps to how to make 
root beer floats, and the three steps to blowing a bubble.
No complaints either...all the learning that happened
makes me extra happy!

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

The learning continues!

In the Spring, when schools weren't open, I spent more time than I wanted to on
Google Meets and Zoom calls.  They have followed me into this school year!
Here is how the students were presented with their virtual field trip on Monday.
The man in the corner of the SMARTBoard was our presenter and he was
explaining how bees work and live together.  The connection was to how people 
sometimes live together in apartment buildings.  

Here are the diligent busy little beavers (yep, we talked about their homes too!)
trying to put together the little wooden houses.  They look easy enough,
but little students cannot always find which way is up!

Just when the sides are connected to the foundation,
the students are then to add the fronts and backs.
It was an exercise in patience and 'try, try again'
or 'wait, I'll be right there'
In the end, all the houses were constructed!
The little architects drew up a plan (blueprint) on how they wanted
their yard to look.  Once the plan was finished, the students (OOPS! architects)
became  builders and they added those details onto the box bottom which
became the yard.  They added colour, along with the smaller crafted items
which included 2 bushes, a teeter tooter, a picnic bench and 6 walkway stones.
Each one was the students' own creation.
In the end, each and every one was well done
and the students were very proud!
The students are working very hard on being able to 'stretch the sounds'
in words.  In table pairs, the students were playing a game to work on
CVC words (that stands for consonant-vowel-consonant)
Examples would be: pot, put, hat, bit and cut
I try to get the students to work on some type of 'Hands on' activity every
3 or 4 days.  If I can't sanitize the items (I can spray the dice and markers),
then I have to let them sit for 72 hours before they can be used again.
If you would have told me that I would have Grade One students logging 
into Chrome books and finding Google Classroom independently in November,
I would NEVER have believed you.  Thank you for assisting your
child with knowing how to find the letters and numbers on the keyboards.
It's not without hassle and I will need to colour the grey again in December (ha! ha!)
but they are quite proficient with the process.  Everyone can log in and almost all
can get to our Google Classroom.  Four students now have a computer mouse (purchased
through PowerSchool) and I think they liked using them today for the first time.
Right now, I am dedicating 4 class periods a week to using the Chrome books.
You know what they say "Practice makes perfect!"

Guess what tomorrow is!