Monday, 25 November 2019

Christ the King

This past Sunday is known as Christ the King Sunday.  We are in the last week of the 
liturgical calendar.Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, the season of 
preparing for the birth of our Saviour.

To help make the connection for the littles, they each made a crown,, declaring that 
each person, each family, each community, each nation and each universe.
May Christ reign in your heart!

Saturday, 23 November 2019

The 50th Day of School

Spoiler alert!  There are a lot of photos to share from this very good,
terrific, awesome, special day!
I can't believe it when I do the math and figure out that 1950 is almost 
70 years ago.  It does count as long ago and celebrating the 50th day 
of school with a 1950's theme, helps our littles make connections to the past.
I was surprised how many knew what a record is!
The funny part was that most could not relate to an iPod...
they said they listened to music on their parents' phone!
Every student got to invite another student to go for a ride with them in 
a pink Cadillac.  They thought it was cool!
The morning was spent working on the number 50.
They counted to 50 by ones, twos, even numbers, odd numbers, 
fives and tens.  They learned that 5 dimes or 2 quarters made 50 cents.
In the afternoon there were four different activities.
All three classes got together and had a sock hop.  They tried to
jive, and twist and do the hand jive.
They looked like they were having fun but..

they quickly tired out from all that dancing!
One of the stations was to learn how to blow a bubble with 
bubble gum.  We graphed the results, and wrote the three steps.

Oh how proud they were when a little bubble appeared!
Mrs. deVries, Ms. Tessier and myself got into the spirit of
the day too!
Here are the pages that the students created to look like
the clothes of the 1950's.  It is a colourful display!

Even this little one got into the spirit.  I shared some old readers
along with elf and golden books with the kiddos so that they
could see that children in the past are doing what they are doing...
learning to read and enjoying the stories!

We also wrote the three steps that it takes to make a root beer
float and created a little book.  They made themselves blowing a
bubble with their pink bubble gum.
What I love about my class is that they are aware of who they are.
We have talked about the fact that paper doesn't always come in the 
actual colour of skin or hair and that they should add details to
make the picture look like themselves.  They did a wonderful job!
One of the other centers for the afternoon had an opportunity for 
bowling and hula hooping.  I didn't get a chance for taking photos!
My centre was the one for making root beer floats.  Not all
the students liked the flavour, but they all tried it!
I have to admit, I like this day more than Halloween.  Look at those smiles!
I think that they had so much fun...and learned so much too!