Thursday, 23 June 2016

Better Late than NEVER!

I really am sorry that this post has taken so long to show up on the blog.  Somehow I misplaced my camera and only found it earlier this week!  Glad that I am able to put this whole 'whack' of photos from our great field trip to the Fort Saskatchewan museum and RCMP Precinct 

Rather than telling you all about it here, my suggestion is to cuddle up with your kiddo and ask them to tell you about the photos!  They may not be the actual child shown but they will be able to explain where they are in the park and what they learned in that location.  It will be a great opportunity for them to 'show and tell.'

Here we all are, both classes, all the parents and grandparents who volunteered to keep the children in groups and of course, the children who learned so much!  Always such a fun field trip!

Friday, 3 June 2016

I want S'More!

The students had an amazing hands-on energy filled day!  Check your e-mails to see the videos of the students testing out their dams.  Their goal was to "make a dam out of popsicle sticks and plasticine."  They knew that they would be successful if "the water does not get to the other side of the plastic container."  It was a wonderful rich learning experience for them all.  I loved the vocabulary that was being used: stablize,  reinforce, absorb!  

We've been patiently waiting for a day just like today to try out those 'contraptions' that we made out of pizza boxes.  Did you guess that they were solar ovens?

The students got to each make their own little sandwich that was going to be cooked through the power of the sun!
They broke the graham cracker in half, put one on top of the other, put on a section of chocolate and then added a marshmallow on top.

Into the oven it went and about an hour later, we brought the oven inside.
The bottom graham cracker went on top of the marshmallow, got a bit squished between some excited fingers and then CHOMP!

The best science day ever!  What can the power of the sun do?  I bet these little ones won't forget that the sun has enough energy that it can cook!

I expect that a few budding scientists are going to be asking mom and dad to make a solar cooker at home this weekend!