Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Nouns and Verbs and Adjectives....and Bats??

This month the students have added three new words to their vocabulary: nouns, verbs and adjectives.
They learned that nouns are things that you can label.  Nouns name a person, place or thing.
Adjectives describe a noun.  They can describe colour, size, quantity, smell, touch, or feeling of the noun.  Verbs give the action of a noun.
The students created these lovely Halloween themed pages to assist in learning about adjectives.  On the back of each page, they practised writing words that described the character (or part of the character) that they had created on the front.  We tried to focus in on what we could 'see' when we looked at the characters and use words to describe those labeled nouns.
I love that even though everyone made one, they did not all turn out the same!  Just take a look at the direction of the feet!
This example was 'Frankie' and the students did not use any tracers.  Instead they watched and listened as the example was created.  Being able to visualize, and follow oral directions are two skills that the students will be practising throughout the school year.
That 'Frankie' is so darn handsome!
The students also had the opportunity to use their interest and curiosity about the 'creatures of the night' to practise their skills in doing research.  Bats are so very interesting! The students learned that what they already know is called schema, and that we can add to our knowledge through reading books, searching the internet, watching videos and talking to others.
Classroom experiences are based on collaboration and the students really enjoyed the different group settings that they were able to work in throughout this project.
One of the best books for getting hooked on bats is Stellaluna.
There are a number of books on the iPads we use in the class, and that book is one of them!
I love how our tables allow flexibility in grouping.  When the students work together, they know that they can choose just about anywhere to get settled!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Pumpkin Book Reports and a visit from a SURPRISE Guest!

This wonderful idea to turn a pumpkin into a book character is not mine.  It comes from a lovely lady named Hope King.  I sure appreciate her willingness to share this great project.  It gave the students the opportunity to shine as they worked through the elements needed to tell a story.
Look who came to visit with signed certificates!  It was our principal!
Such a wide variety of stories and such imagination in turning the pumpkins into characters!
There were lots of 'ohhs' and 'aahs' as each one was revealed,
along with questions on how the work was done!
This project allows the students to also learn how to speak in front of others, using a loud, clear voice.
Thank you for helping parents!  I hope you enjoyed this work too!
Our pumpkins now take 'pride of place' in the front glass cabinet and in the library.
Come and see all the wonderful work these students did,
the next time you are in the school.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Now is your chance to volunteer!

What a busy four days!  We have tried to keep up with all of our subjects while testing and starting our swimming lessons!  SO BUSY!  In science our unit is called "Testing Materials".  It was the students' first attempt at going through the scientific procedure, writing hypotheses and making note of their observations.
Sometimes, our results are a bit 'off' because of the materials that we need to use, but
nothing beats opportunities for 'hands-on' learning.
Swimming lessons were very well received.  They enjoyed the water,
loved the instructors,
and learned a little more about how to swim.

Halloween is getting closer and closer.  It's time to start thinking about what our day will look like.

It has been decided, as a school, that the students will come dressed in their costumes for the entire day. This means that the costumes should be appropriate for working in during the morning lessons, and can be worn under the child's coat, as they will be going outside for recess in the morning and play time before eating lunch.  As always, 'accessories' to the costume also must be appropriate.  We ask that all 'weapons' be kept at home.  If the costume has a mask, the child must understand that it will have to be taken off during morning lessons to ensure that learning can continue.

After eating lunch, the students will be participating in a 'parade' to share their wonderful and imaginative costumes with their friends throughout the school.  Grade One and Grade Two students will spend about 45 minutes in the gymnasium participating in a variety of games that will set up there.
During this time, Grade Three and Four students will be in their classrooms participating in the activities that their classroom teacher will organize.  After approximately 45 minutes, the two groups will switch, so that the Grade Three and Grade Four students have an opportunity to play the games in the gymnasium.

I would love to have two or three moms volunteer to work on creating some healthy, spooky snacks for the students in my classroom.  I have some tried and true ghoulish but delicious ideas.  Please let me know through a note in the agenda, if you are interested in helping out.

As well, I will need about three or four moms/dads to volunteer for the afternoon in the gym.  These volunteers would work with both groups that rotate through the gym stations.  Again, notes in the agenda work best.

The volunteering won't stop there!  Grade Three students in both Mrs. Lampka's and my classroom have two fun opportunities organized for the following week and we both would love to have parents in to help!

On Tuesday, November 5th, to compliment our science program, Hands On Science will be presenting Awesome Bridges which is a hands on opportunity to build four different types of bridges, work co-operatively and problem solve the way a civil engineer might have to.  Our class is scheduled from 1:10 to 3:10 p.m. and the program requires four parents to man the stations.  Please let me know if you can come and build with us! (Just to let you know, this presentation will cost $13 per child which will come out of our field trip budget that you paid into when you paid your school fees).

On Friday, November 8th, Clay For Kids will be coming to the school and the students will be creating a beautiful little Christmas gift for their parents.  If you can stand knowing what will be under the tree, you are very welcome to come and be part of the hands on opportunity to work with clay. I will confirm the correct time and have the students write it into their agenda, so please check there.  Since there are three classes doing projects that day, I just don't know which time slot is ours!
Again, a note in the agenda will let me know if you are planning to come in and help! (This project cost is $10.50 per child, which is a lot less than when the students have to be bussed to a clay studio).

Just letting you know that there will be two more opportunities to volunteer later in November and then again in December, so if these don't work for you, there are other times we will welcome your smiling face into our class!

October 31  Volunteers needed for snacks and games
November 5 Four volunteers needed for Awesome Bridges
November 8 Volunteers needed for clay projects
November 11 Remembrance Day (no school)
November 12, 13, 14, 14   Fall break (no school)

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Brain Breaks during CCATs

In our school division, Grade 3 students write CCAT assessments in October.  These assessments measure the potential for learning and when paired with the CTBS assessments that Grade 2 students write in the spring, give educational professionals information to ensure that individual strengths and weaknesses are recognized and taken into account when curriculum plans are made.  In the winter we will get individual student profiles that show the correlation between the two assessments.  When you visit for Three Way Conferences in March, please ask to see your child's profile and we can discuss what information can be gleaned from them. 

THANK YOU for assisting your child in feeling empowered through your letters of encouragement to them.  They were so surprised to get them!
You can see that we set up our little 'offices' to allow each student a private area to be able to focus on doing their best during these assessments.  I am not allowed to read any words for them or explain the meaning of the words.  I can only read what is written in my guide book.  Each little sub test is timed.  The students really did a fine job of 'going with the flow.'  One little one even said "Yeah! Tests!" this morning, which did my heart good.

In between the tests, I give the students a brain break.  They get up from their chairs, watch a recorded dance video with children demonstrating the moves.  They have a blast!

I think this one was about acting like monkeys, elephants and tigers.
It gives them a chance to release some energy before getting back to work!
It's nearing the season of goblins and ghouls.  During their math time for the next few weeks, the students will be reviewing a variety of concepts using some great games.  They don't even know they are learning!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We love working with other classes!  On Friday, we teamed up with another class to think of ideas for being great 'Bucket Fillers."
There were smiles all around!
It's taking a little while, but the school is starting to look like it is a primary school.  One of the areas that needed change was this display case at the front that used to house all the Jr. High trophies.
Now it will showcase the seasons...
and welcome our visitors to our building.
Thank you to all the families who took up the 'turkey challenge'!  There were so many creative ways to disguise these birds.  
The smiles on the students' faces as they presented their projects were only matched by the stories of which parent helped them with the ideas and the execution of those ideas.
Meet "Pinkalicious'....
a princess....
and "Thing Two"
Not a turkey in the bunch!